Municipal Library of Pirri
The new seat in Via Santa Maria Goretti, completely renewed in furniture and equipment, is provided with ample spaces, created to meet the needs of every public.
The new seat in via Santa Maria Goretti, completely renewed in furniture and equipment, is provided with ample spaces, created to meet the needs of every public. The main room includes a considerable number of books for loan or consultation, computers that allow access to online catalogs. It is also equipped with a wireless system that allows free access to the network with your laptop, mobile phone or PDA by registering at the service. The media library, who has four computer stations that allow free internet browsing, also includes a vast collection of multimedia documents for loan such as CD-ROMs, music DVDs and films, CDs and also a selection of national and international newspapers available in the relaxation areas. The newspaper archive allows the consultation of a wide selection of national and regional periodicals, newspapers and magazines. For pre-school children, there is a dedicated room, while children up to 12-13 years have been reserved a room rich in books and documents both in paper and electronic version. There is also a section dedicated to under-21s with documents suitable for their age group both for the loan and the consultation.
Biblioteca Comunale Pirri
Biblioteca Comunale Pirri
Via Santa Maria Goretti, snc Ex Scuola Elementare
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