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Biblioteca Metropolitana "Emilio Lussu"

Metropolitan Library "Emilio Lussu"

The Metropolitan Library contains about 80.000 volumes; among these, 4.500 belong to the Sardinian section and 8.000 to the Artistic section.

The Library was established in 1962 to create a Provincial Librarian System with the aim of spreading free reading where the Municipal Administrations did not have their own library or needed to integrate their offer to the users receiving texts from other librarian institutions.

It started providing a direct service to the public only at the end of the millennium, with the approval of the new regulation that changed its identity and required a general rearrangement.

The reorganization focuses the whole activity on the readers, with new services like the free loan, the newspaper library and an all-day opening.

The Library has recently moved to the beautiful setting of Monte Claro Park, where users can find also free WiFi connection, an online Media Library for e-book loan and 270 study seats.

Poligono GEO

Biblioteca Metropolitana "Emilio Lussu"

Biblioteca Metropolitana "Emilio Lussu"

Parco di Monte Claro, via Cadello, 9/b



Parco di Monte Claro, via Cadello, 9/b

Opening time

lunedì - venerdì
from 08:00 to 19:40

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