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Biblioteca Regionale

Regional Library

The Regional Library boasts a large library and multimedia heritage consisting of about 75,000 volumes concerning subjects of competence of the regional administration and local interest, divided into various sections and distributed in the different rooms.

It is also possible to consult about 250 magazines, the complete collection of the local newspapers “ L’Unione Sarda and “La Nuova Sardegna”, videotapes, audiotapes and about 50 works on CD-ROM. Very interesting is also the section dedicated to Sardinia which includes about 300 videotapes and audiotapes concerning popular traditions, Sardinian folk music and geography. The library, which also has a small collection of narrative volumes in Braille, ensures the reception and orientation service, bibliographic consultation, loan, research assistance.

Poligono GEO

Biblioteca Regionale

Biblioteca Regionale

Viale Trieste, 137



Viale Trieste, 137

Opening time

martedì - giovedì
from 08:30 to 18:30
from 08:30 to 13:30
Information: Services of registration and loan stop 15 minutes before the closing time and between 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm.

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