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Punto panoramico di Monte Claro

Monte Claro viewpoint

The park of Monte Claro, together with the caves of the promontory of Capo Sant'Elia, is the site of the oldest human settlements in the province of Cagliari, dating back to the Neolithic period. It is one of the 7 hills of Cagliari, (7 like the hills of Rome, Istanbul and Lisbon); the other six are: Castello, Tuvumannu, Tuvixeddu, Monte Urpinu, Colle di Bonaria, Colle di San Michele.

Monte Claro  is today one of the most popular public parks in the city, especially for sports activities such as jogging, or to climb to the top of the hill through very suggestive green paths, to reach the ancient ruins and the renowned colourful rose garden, the panoramic provincial library and an area with outdoor gymnastic equipment. From this panoramic point you can enjoy a magnificent view of the city, the hinterland and the surrounding mountains. In the plain part of the park there is a large modern fountain and a pond, crossed by a pedestrian bridge, where live several geese, ducks, turtles and fish of various types and sizes. In the park there are also an outdoor theatre, a bowling alley and a play area for children. During the summer the park remains open until midnight, and cultural and entertainment events are often organized.

Poligono GEO

Punto panoramico di Monte Claro

Punto panoramico di Monte Claro

Via Cadello



Via Cadello

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