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Collezione d'Arte Ingrao

Ingrao Art Collection

The collection features paintings and sculptures by some of the most representative Italian artists of the 20th century. All items were collected by the art collector and benefactor Francesco Paolo Ingrao.

250 works (including 40 sculptures) are collected in the 15 rooms on the two floors of the Gallery, representative of the Italian artistic movements, especially the Romans, which followed each other from the second half of the 19th century to the end of the 20th century. The exhibition itinerary follows a chronological order, starting from the ground floor with the nineteenth century by Angelo Inganni, Gioacchino Toma, Enrico Reycend and Ercole Rosa.

The early twentieth century are represented by the exponents of Divisionism Francesco Gioli, Leonardo Bistolfi, Armando Spadini, Arturo Noci and Camillo Innocenti. Among the most prestigious pieces is the Giacomo Balla’s painting depicting the sculptor Giovanni Prini, also present in the collection. Room IV contains 31 works that reflect the various stages of Umberto Boccioni's artistic career, the greatest exponent of the Italian futurist movement.

Continuing the journey through the rooms on the first floor, we move on to the twenties and thirties of Carlo Socrate and Emanuele Cavalli, of the sculptors Alfredo Biagini and Antonietta Raphael and of the neo-realism by Ardengo Soffici.

Among the works preferred by Ingrao stand out The Sailor by Filippo De Pisis and the three Still Life by Giorgio Morandi, whose numerous works enrich the collection of various oil paintings, an etching, nine drawings in ink or pencil and 241 letters.

There also are numerous works by the artists of the thirties and forties: Carlo Carrà, Fortunato Depero, Tullio Crali, Gino Severini, Fillia, Atanasio Soldati, Massimo Campigli, Adolfo Wildt, Francesco Messina, Antonio Donghi, Mario Mafai, Pio Someghini, Felice Casorati.

The final room houses Leo Longanesi and 34 works by Mino Maccari, and the latest purchases from the collection, that is the works by Enrico Paolucci, Piero Dorazio and Antonio Zoran Music.

The remaining 250 works are housed in 3 other rooms located on the ground floor, the so-called "Collector's Rooms" precisely because the works do not follow a chronological order but are placed according to personal taste: paintings by Innocenti, Socrates, Francesco Menzio, Deiva de Angelis, Pippo Rizzo, Amerigo Bartoli Natinguerra, Filippo Anvitti, Orazio Amato, Emilio Notte, Rosina Viva; drawings by Scipione, Carrà and Giovanni Omiccioli; numerous sculptures.

Poligono GEO



Largo G. Dessì c/o Galleria Comunale d’Arte

Opening time

martedì - domenica
from 10:00 to 18:00

Entrance fee

Full price ticket

€ 6.00

Reduced price ticket (Students under 26 years old - groups of at least 15 people - Senior over 65 years old)

€ 3.00

Free admission: kids up to 6 years old, persons with disabilities and members of Journalist Register


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