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Spiaggia di Giorgino

Giorgino Beach

At the beginning of the 20th century, the seashore of Giorgino was the beach of Cagliari par excellence.

The construction of the first beach resorts  in town, first in the village of Sa Perdixedda (La Playa) and then in  Poetto Beach, gradually moved the attention of the inhabitants towards the latter, which grew rapidly in terms of transport services (the "new" beach, then renamed "the  beach of hundred thousand people", was in fact more distant than that of Giorgino).

Poetto became the favourite beach of Cagliari inhabitants, while Giorgino had deep morphological changes: the industrial harbour (commonly known as the canal) in fact isolated Giorgino, that, however, keeps important points of interest such as the church of Sant'Efisio, the first stage of the procession of May 1st , and the Fishermen Village, the seat of the annual Fish Festival.


Poligono GEO



Viale Pula

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