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At the time of its construction, it was on the edge of the town, surrounded by fields, so a great place to build a modern slaughterhouse. The project included a central block, which still exists, a vast square where the cattle could stop and four smaller buildings (offices for administration and custody). The entrance, at via San Lucifero, was surmounted by a large portal on which dominated the sign of the slaughterhouse. The original structure was modified over the years. The biggest change is the demolition of two buildings at the corner of Via Sonnino for the enlargement of the street itself, following the construction of the tram-line that connected Cagliari to Campidano of Quartu. The slaughterhouse was operative until 1964, when the new building at via Po was completed. It was later used as a fleet of the garbage truck and warehouse of the City.

In the early 90's, the former slaughterhouse was considered suitable for the installation of a cultural centre. The main building house, at the ground floor, a room reserved for exhibitions that still keeps the vaults of the original building, while the upper floor have been modified in a conference room and a small exhibition hall.  The building on the corner of via San Lucifero and via San Gregorio Magno, nicknamed the “Tower”, functions as laboratory, exhibition room, etc. Below the tower there is also the bar. There is also another building on the corner of Via San Gregorio Magno and via Logudoro, that is the seat of offices and laboratories. The yard is equipped with a staircase-amphitheater. During the works, just below the square was found an underground cistern. Since 1993, the year of opening of the centre, the EXMA has housed several exhibitions.

Poligono GEO



Via S. Lucifero, 71, 09127 Cagliari CA, Italia



Via S. Lucifero, 71, 09127 Cagliari CA, Italia

Opening time

martedì - venerdì
from 09:00 to 13:00
martedì - venerdì
from 16:00 to 20:00
sabato - domenica
from 10:00 to 20:00



Entrance fee

Depending on exhibitions


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