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Contus De Arrejolas

Contus De Arrejolas

Not only tiles. The collection of “riggiole”, kept in a workshop (now closed) in via Lamarmora (Castello district), consists of 126 artifacts, catalogued by the owner Mercedes Mariotti and is of exceptional artistic and historical interest.

These ceramic tiles adorned the city apartments in the past, with their typical designs and colours, and in particular those of Castello district. It is here that the ancient “riggiole” found worthy accommodation, in a place at the ground floor of a historic building of 1650 (protected by the Superintendency ), a short walk from the Cathedral.

In 15 years of activity, the owner has collected hundreds of “riggiole” (ceramic tiles) of the old town, many of them were discovered during the restoration works of the workshop, today a museum, with a juniper ceiling, a Moloch God and a Templar cross engraved on the walls of limestone, two Punic cisterns( if not Nuragic) within which, objects now on display in the window were discovered (two terracotta pots, old gutters, shells, old medicinal vials).

Poligono GEO

Contus De Arrejolas

Contus De Arrejolas

Via Lamarmora, 67



Via Lamarmora, 67

Opening time

sabato - domenica
from 10:30 to 13:00
Reservation is required at +393478538959

Entrance fee

Entrance by voluntary offer


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