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Fondazione per l’arte Bartoli Felter

Bartoli Felter's Foundation for Art

The Foundation for art Bartoli Felter was founded in 2003 as a project of notary Ercule Bartoli, art lover and collector from a young age.

The project is aimed at promoting young artists by giving them the opportunity to exhibit their works, donate to the city and citizens of the artistic moments of leisure, cultural sharing and confrontation.

Today, the foundation can count several collaborations with cultural spaces and institutions both public and private realizing contemporary art collective exhibition at the Lazzaretto Cultural Centre of St. Elias, Castle of St. Michael and the Civic Theatre in Cagliari, oversaw the collection of the Teatro Massimo and collaborated with several town's administrations in several artistic initiatives; through years between 2007 and 2010 is the reference for Sardinia the event promoted by the GAI (Young Italian Artists) in Turin named Gemini Muse; since 2008 it is registered in the NGO register of Region of Sardinia.

In 2013, the Foundation has opened the space Temporary Storing, a container for artistic events in which the exhibits were alternated from July 2012 almost every two weeks by hosting Sardinian artists but also from the rest of Italy and from foreign countries.

The space is located in Via XXIX November 3 (corner Viale Trieste) and consists of an exhibition area with view of the street, a modular space thanks to panels furniture in order to offer maximum flexibility to the artists.

Space as well as hosting exhibitions with the works of artists is the scene of side artistic events as live performances of dance, theatre and live music.

Poligono GEO

Fondazione per l’arte Bartoli Felter

Fondazione per l’arte Bartoli Felter

Via XXIX novembre 1847, 5



Via XXIX novembre 1847, 5

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