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Lapide Commemorativa di Antonio e Gaetano Cima

Antonio and Gaetano Cima Commemorative Plaque

The Cima brothers were so important for the city of Cagliari that they were remembered with a plaque, placed on the facade of the house, in Martiri square, in which the two lived.

Antonio Cima was a physicist and taught experimental physics from 1844 to 1851 in the university of the regional county seat, then he moved to the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of Turin. Later he was dean of the Vincenzo Gioberti classical high school in Turin and then supervisor of the studies in Venice.

Gaetano, however, was a great architect and his works, in neoclassical style, can be admired throughout Sardinia. He dealt with both civil and religious architecture. In Cagliari he built the civil hospital, the civic theatre destroyed by the bombings of 1943, the facade of the collegiate church of Saint Giacomo and the stairs located near the Church of Santa Chiara.

Poligono GEO

Lapide Commemorativa di Antonio e Gaetano Cima

Lapide Commemorativa di Antonio e Gaetano Cima

Piazza Martiri d'Italia, 4



Piazza Martiri d'Italia, 4

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