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Memoria e visioni

Memory and visions: art in Sardinia in the civic collections

To celebrate the 91 years of their constitution, the Civic Museums has decided to display some masterpieces from the city's collections that have long been inaccessible to the public, as they were kept in storage. To do this, in line with our mission to highlight the city's precious historical and artistic heritage, we have designed an exhibition entitled
"Memory and visions: art in Sardinia in the civic collections". The exhibition is part of a broader project of the city council to plan the display in turn of the works preserved in the city's depositories, some of which have been restored and returned to their original beauty. The exhibition itinerary, housed in the historic Palazzo di Citta building, features a diverse selection of over fifty works. These include pieces from the Collection of Sardinian Artists, the "Ugo Ugo" Collection of Contemporary Art, and many others donated by artists and collectors. The works, arranged by theme, author, and style, offer a comprehensive journey through around 120 years of Sardinian art history.



Reductions and conventions 20% discount: Rinascente Card, presentation of the entrance ticket to the Naturalistic Museum of the Territory “G. Pusceddu” (Sa Corona Arrùbia – Lunamatrona), of the Museum of Prehistoric Statuary in Sardinia (Laconi).


Former Town Hall

(Piazza Palazzo, 6)

Opening time

16-11-2024 - 18-05-2025
martedì - domenica
from 10:00 to 18:00
The ticket office closes 30 minutes before closing time

Entrance fee


€ 6.00

Ridotto per studenti fino ai 26 anni, gruppi di almeno 15 persone, adulti oltre i 65 anni, guide turistiche regionali

€ 3.00

Gratuito per bambini minori di 6 anni, giornalisti, persone con disabilità e loro accompagnatore, soci ICOM

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