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Società degli Operai del Mutuo Soccorso

Workers' Mutual Aid Society

The building of the Società degli operai del Mutuo Soccorso (Workers' Mutual Aid Society) was founded in 1855: its first temporary headquarters were located in the district of Castello, in the council chamber of the old Town Hall.

The engineer Riccardo Simonetti made the project and was also responsible for the construction works. The Art Nouveau building built in 1912 consists of a ground floor and a first floor, where the offices and the Meeting room take place. The refinement of the Liberty style is clearly visible in the front door and in the staircase railings leading upstairs.

Over the years the building has undergone several restoration works following the damage caused by the Second World War. Of particular importance are the documents preserved in the glass cases, that recall the 147 years of history of the Foundation: historical documents about the founders and the events that marked the war.

Poligono GEO

Società degli Operai del Mutuo Soccorso

Società degli Operai del Mutuo Soccorso

Via XX Settembre, 80



Via XX Settembre, 80


Workers' Mutual Aid Society

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