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Villa Vivaldi

Villa Vivaldi

The villa, whose owner was Don Pietro Vivaldi, was built in the late eighteenth century in the district of Villanova.

In the 40s the house was taken over by the industrialist Marino Cao and in the following decades it underwent radical restoration works. At the main entrance a sculpture depicts a chained Moor fidgeting the waves, recalling the battles with the Arabs that looted the coasts of Sardinia, in particular Portoscuso, where Vivaldi owned a fish farm. Pillars, wrought iron balconies and six pyramidal steeples outline the villa's front. The ancient horse stable is remarkable, formed by five bays built with exposed brickwork and tuff columns.

Poligono GEO

Villa Vivaldi

Villa Vivaldi

Vico XII San Giovanni, 1/a



Vico XII San Giovanni, 1/a

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