The statue of Carlo Felice stands a few steps from Yenne Square, in the heart of Cagliari. The monument was built by the will of the Stamenti, one of the arms of the Sardinian Parliament, in 1827, in honour of the king who wanted the construction of the royal road to connect Cagliari and Sassari, now known as the one hundred thirty-one (SS.131) or Carlo Felice. The work was carried out in 1830 by the Sassari’s sculptor Andrea Galassi. He created the plaster statue in Rome, used as a model for the bronze version, cast in the royal arsenal of the city under the supervision of the artist. The statue, in neoclassical style, depicts the king in the guise of a Roman soldier with his helmet on his head, his armour and he is covered with a toga. The work was completed in 1860 with the base built by the architect Gaetano Cima.
Not far from the statue, in Yenne Square, there is the military column, placed by the Viceroy Marquis of Yenne in 1822, to indicate the starting point of the Royal Route
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