Located in the historic district of Castello, Spazio 61 is an exhibition space for temporary and permanent art exhibitions.
"Cultural space, art atelier, gallery: three different ways to say the same thing, to suggest an activity that has the ultimate goal of bringing people together and making people talk and sharing ideas together. This place is called Space 61" (www.sardegnanovas.info).
Spazio 61 is also a cultural association whose purpose is the promotion and dissemination of art and in particular of painting, through various activities including exhibitions of young artists, cultural exchanges between Sardinian and non-Sardinian painters and any other activity necessary for the development and spread of the artistic culture.
The gallery-atelier is located in Cagliari in Via dei Genovesi 48 in the centre of an imaginary line connecting the Elephant Tower and the Cathedral, in the historic medieval district of Castello.
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