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Palazzo Siotto

Siotto Palace

The building was built in 1850 and in 1927 the engineer Giacomo Crespi was responsible for the supervision of some renovation works.

The building houses the headquarters of the Historical Institute Foundation "Giuseppe Siotto", founded in 1990 with the aim to promote the study and diffusion of Sardinian history. The foundation owns an important library which includes rare books of the sixteenth century. In the Room of Portraits and in the Green Room it is possible to admire valuable paintings by artists such Marghinotti, Figari, Morgari. The photographic antique collection concerning the family and the staff of Siotto company is of remarkable documentary and historical importance.

Poligono GEO

Palazzo Siotto

Palazzo Siotto

Via Dei Genovesi, 114



Via Dei Genovesi, 114

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