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Palazzo Sanna Cao

Sanna Cao Palace

The palace, built in 1858 and designed by the architect Gatano Cima, rises in Via Genovesi in Castello district.

The architect Cima, whose design was commissioned by the Count Cao of San Marco, had the opportunity, as he had done for other palaces in Cagliari, to transfer the peculiar elements of his work in the building's facade. The palace, in Neoclassical style, is structured into a ground floor and two upper floors. The windows of the first floor have protruding balconies with wrought iron railings; the windows of the second floor, lined with festoons, have flush balconies on the facade. In the spotlight, the emblem of the Cao family carved on the central balcony of the first floor, which depicts two dolphins and a seagull in the act of swimming (it is important to underline that the dialectal term "cau" refers to the Seagull).

Poligono GEO

Palazzo Sanna Cao

Palazzo Sanna Cao

Via dei Genovesi, 104-108



Via dei Genovesi, 104-108

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