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Spazio San Pancrazio

San Pancrazio exhibition space

Used for a long time by the Archaeological Superintendence as a deposit of materials from the excavations, the complex of San Pancrazio had already been destined to exhibitions in a project by Raffaello Delogu in the 1930’s.

At the end of the 15th century, due to the Turkish incursions, the Viceroy Juan Dusay decided to strengthen the system of fortifications of Cagliari.

A second wall and a moat were built close to the medieval tower of San Pancrazio to defend the northern side of the fortifications. Soon this system became obsolete due to the introduction of firearms and was later modified by military engineers.

In the 19th century, it served as a hospital for the condemned detained in the tower and later as a deposit of excavation materials by the Archaeological Superintendence.

Subsequently, the historical relevance of the complex gave it new functions as an exhibition area.

To preserve its homogeneity, a steel structure with wooden platforms has been designed to let the visitors see the original elements of the ancient structures.

Poligono GEO

Spazio San Pancrazio

Spazio San Pancrazio

Piazza Arsenale, 1



Piazza Arsenale, 1


lunedì - domenica

Entrance fee

Combined ticket (San Pancrazio exhibition space + National Art Gallery + National Archaeological Museum)

€ 9.00

Reduced combined ticket (San Pancrazio exhibition space + National Art Gallery + National Archaeological Museum)

€ 4.50

Reduced price (from 18 to 25 y.o.)

€ 3.00

Free admission up to 18 y.o.

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