The Roman Amphitheatre in Cagliari is the most important public building of the Roman Period. It is inserted in a natural valley on the southern slopes of the Hill of Buon Cammino.
Between the 1st and 2nd century AD, the builders carved into the bedrock most of the bleachers, the arena, the corridors (ambulacra) and other locations related to these. Even in Cagliari Ampitheatre, like in others, the bleachers are divided into three orders (imea, media and summa cavea), which were reserved to the different social classes (senatores, equites, plebeians, slaves).
The cages for wild animals (claustra) were along the corridors around the arena. The Amphitheatre could contain 10,000 spectators on average, who could attend the fights between men and wild beasts (venationes), the execution of death sentences and fights between gladiators (munera).
Until the end of the ongoing restoration work, it is not possible to visit the whole building and visitors are not allowed to access the arena and the undeground areas. A 80-metre long walkway will allow you to enjoy a close view of the Amphitheatre.
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