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Villa Pollini

Pollini Villa

Elegant villa built in the 19th century at the foot of the San Michele hill.

Cagliari preserves some refined historic houses also outside the historic centre and Villa Pollini is one of them. Its name comes from the count Gaetano Pollini, a wealthy grain merchant who built the villa in 1812.

The house stands at the foot of the San Michele hill, in via Jenner. Built in the Neoclassical style and painted with a Pompeian red color, the villa was surrounded by a beautiful garden and some rooms for agricultural activities. The building, in fact, was both a farm and a noble residence.

In the 1990s it was acquired by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and since 2007 it has been used as an operational headquarters by the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Cagliari and Oristano.

Poligono GEO

Villa Pollini

Villa Pollini

Via Edward Jenner, 3



Via Edward Jenner, 3


Pollini Villa

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