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Palazzo delle Scienze

Palace of Science

The building is located on a slope behind Buoncammino's hill. Its erection was subsidized by the Superintendency of Public Works of Sardinia.

The building was designed in 1926 by the engineer Angelo Binaghi. The construction works lasted until 1939. The building has an octagonal shape and the entrance hall, accessible through a flight of stairs, is located on the shorter side. The building is characterized by ashlar walls next to paired semi columns, circumscribing the three entrances. The three levels' façade is characterized by its protrusions and by the arched windows decorated with decorative motifs, such as shields and crests.

Poligono GEO

Palazzo delle Scienze

Palazzo delle Scienze

Via Ospedale, 72



Via Ospedale, 72

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