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Via Crucis

Old Way of the Cross

A series of fourteen artistic sculptures, depicting the Passion of Jesus, placed outside the churches of the four historical districts of Cagliari.

Promoted by Monsignor Ernesto Maria Piovella, archbishop of Cagliari from 1920 to 1949, the town's Via Crucis consists of fourteen artistic bas-reliefs on iron plates, placed on the facades of churches and palaces of the historic districts of Marina, Villanova, Castello and Stampace.

The fourteen stations:

I: Christ sentenced to death.
Church of S. Rosalia / Sanctuary of S. Salvatore da Horta
Turin Street

II: Christ loaded with the cross.
Church of S. Giacomo
S. Giacomo square

III: Christ falls for the first time under the cross.
Missing original *

IV: Christ meets the mother.
Church of S. Cesello
S. Giovanni Street

V: Christ helped by S. Simone di Cirene.
Church of S. Mauro
S. Giovanni Street

VI: St. Veronica cleanses the face of Christ.
Palace of the Conservatory of Providence
Independence square

VII: Christ falls for the second time under the cross.
Archbishop's Palace
Palazzo square

VIII: Christ warns the women of Jerusalem.
Church of S. Croce
S. Croce square

IX: Christ falls for the third time under the cross.
Church of S. Giuseppe
S. Giuseppe square

X: Christ stripped of his clothes.
Church Madonna della Pietà / Monastery of the Holy Sepulchre
Capuchin Nuns ladders

XI: Christ nailed to the cross.
Missing original **

XII: Christ died on the cross.
Church of S. Agostino
Baylle Street

XIII: Christ deposed from the cross.
Church of S. Sepolcro
S. Sepolcro Square

XIV: Body of Christ deposited in the Sepulchre.
Church of S. Rosalia / Sanctuary of S. Salvatore da Horta
Turin Street

* Originally located on the facade of the church of S. Domenico, destroyed by bombing in 1943. In the 1950s it was replaced by a walled reproduction in a building in front of the church. Disappeared in the late seventies.
** Originally located on the facade of the church of S. Anna. It was probably destroyed by the bombings of 1943, in the fifties it was replaced by a reproduction, visible on the corner between Azuni street and S. Efisio street.

Poligono GEO

Stazioni dell'Antica Via Crucis Cagliaritana

Stazioni dell'Antica Via Crucis Cagliaritana

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