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Museo Universitario delle Arti e delle Culture Contemporanee

MUACC - University of Cagliari Museum of Contemporary Arts and Cultures

The MUACC, University of Cagliari Museum of Contemporary Arts and Cultures, hosts precious contemporary works of art dating back to the second half of the twentieth century and donated over time to the University of Cagliari.

The permanent collection includes the works purchased by Corrado Maltese, teacher from 1957 to 1969, and the 49 works donated by Italo Antico, dating back between 1958 and 2017.

The MUACC will also become an exhibition space for temporary art exhibitions, seminars and conferences in collaboration with university research and teaching.

Poligono GEO

MUACC - Museo Universitario delle Arti e delle Culture Contemporanee

MUACC - Museo Universitario delle Arti e delle Culture Contemporanee

via Santa Croce, 63



via Santa Croce, 63

Opening time

from 16:00 to 19:00
from 16:00 to 19:00
Available on reservation on different days and time

Entrance fee

Free entrance


MUACC - University of Cagliari Museum of Contemporary Arts and Cultures

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