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Stazione MetroCagliari

Metro Station Cagliari

A modern building of an unmistakable white color, the Station "Repubblica" is accessible both from the square and from Via Dante.

"Repubblica" is the light rail Metro terminal and houses a ticket office and an information desk.
The stops, equipped with bright displays, speakers, video surveillance systems and stainless steel benches, are accessible to people with reduced mobility.


Poligono GEO

Stazione MetroCagliari

Stazione MetroCagliari

Piazza Repubblica



Piazza Repubblica

Entrance fee

Tickets valid on Metrocagliari
ARST urban 90 minutes tickets (€ 1.30) and multiple tickets with 12 trips at a price of 10.
ARST railway tickets to/from Cagliari;
CTM 2 hours/daily tickets and passes
ARST Tickets are available at the Arst stations, the ticket machines and the points of sale.

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