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La Vetreria - centro d’arte e cultura

La Vetreria - art and cultural centre

La Vetreria cultural centre is an architectural structure in Campidanese style, located inside the Ex Vetreria park.

The complex covers an area formerly occupied by a glass factory and represents a good example of industrial architecture recovery.

Along the sides of the central courtyard there are the Teatro La Vetreria and the School of Scenic Arts of the theatre company Cada Die Teatro; a centre for active education, a school of music and a café/ludospazio, the Caffé ludico, managed by Cemea Sardegna cooperative; the Fucina teatrale where the theatrical performances of the company il Crogiuolo are played; a music recording studio and a room used for early childhood services.

La Vetreria art and cultural centre is active all year round and offers theatrical events, dance and music, theatre workshops for all levels and ages; it is also a residential centre for artists and a place of welcome with fun and recreational activities.

Poligono GEO

La Vetreria - centro d’arte e cultura

La Vetreria - centro d’arte e cultura

Via Italia, 63



Via Italia, 63

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