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Colle di Buoncammino

Hill of Buoncammino

On the top of the hill of Buoncammino the old Arsenal with the National Archaeological Museum rise and on the other side the prison who take its name from the omonymous hill.

The hill of Buoncammino is one of the seven hills of Cagliari. It houses the homonymous prison, closed some years ago and a few steps away there is one of the historic squares of the Castello district and the Citadel of Museums, the lively cultural center of the city. From the hill you can appreciate wonderful panoramic views and the tree-lined avenue, which was built by the will of the Savoys.

Poligono GEO

Colle di Buoncammino

Colle di Buoncammino

Viale Buoncammino



Viale Buoncammino

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