In this area stands the homonymous cemetery. The name derives from the Aragonese who wanted to testify the presence of good air. On one side stands the Bonaria Park, an archaeological niche where testimonies of various necropolises stratify.
The Bonaria hill is one of the seven hills of Cagliari and has also given its name to the district that surrounds it. The area was frequented even before the Punic, the Carthaginians built a necropolis there which was later used as a quarry by the Romans. In the Middle Ages, at the foot of the hill, the church of Saint Bardilio rose, in Pisan Romanesque style, and in 1324 the fortified citadel and the religious chapel were built by the Aragonese, from which the construction of the Basilica of Bonaria would then arise.
Colle di Bonaria
Viale Bonaria
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