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Lapide Commemorativa di Giaime Pintor

Giaime Pintor Commemorative Plaque

Giaime Pintor (1919 –1943) was an Italian journalist, writer and anti-fascist.

Born into a family of the small Sardinian nobility, he was the brother of Luigi, founder journalist of "Il Manifesto".

Faithful to the Enlightenment because convinced of the progressive and rational cultural affirmation of man, it has been publishing since 1938 in magazines such as "Oggi", "La Ruota", "Aretusa", "Letteratura", "Campo di Marte", "Primato". He was with Leone Ginzburg, Cesare Pavese and Massimo Mila among the first and most effective collaborators of the Einaudi publishing house.

Estimator of German literature, he studied Goethe and Nietzsche and translated the works of Rainer Maria Rilke, Heinrich von Kleist and Hugo von Hofmannsthal. In collaboration with the Germanist Lionello Vincenti, for the project "Pantheon" of the publisher Bompiani, he edited the great anthology “German Theatre”, which also contained some of his translations and a series of short critical essays. He also edited an edition of Carlo Pisacane's "Essay on the Revolution" in 1942, in which he saw a socialist background.

On 1 December 1943 he joined the Resistance and tried to cross the enemy lines and reach Rome to fight Nazifascism. He died at the age of 24 torn by a mine that the German army had left in Molise.


A plaque in his honour is posted in Fiume street in Cagliari, which reads:

In the houses that once stood before the sea and the ancient walls of Cagliari, he lived his childhood and early youth and from there he went towards the fire of death of Castelnuovo al Volturno

Giame Pintor

1919 1943

Writer-fallen for the homeland while the blood of Europe was spilling.

March 30, 1985

The Friends of the Book and the Municipality of Cagliari.

Poligono GEO

Lapide Commemorativa di Giaime Pintor

Lapide Commemorativa di Giaime Pintor

Via Fiume



Via Fiume

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