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Lapide Commemorativa di Franco D'Urso

Franco D'Urso Commemorative Plaque

Franco d'Urso is remembered in Cagliari through a commemorative plaque posted in Martiri square where the Sicilian artist lived and worked in his small studio. He escaped from Catania when he was only fourteen years old and reached Rome to attend the Academy of Arts. He interrupted his studies because of the war, he left as a volunteer for the front and lived in the capital until 1960 becoming a mosaicist known throughout Italy. He moved to the Sardinian county seat, devoting himself exclusively to art and he created the splendid mosaic decoration inside the church of Santa Rosalia.

Poligono GEO

Lapide Commemorativa di Franco D'Urso

Lapide Commemorativa di Franco D'Urso

Piazza Martiri d'Italia, 9



Piazza Martiri d'Italia, 9

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