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Lapide Commemorativa di Francesco Alziator

Francesco Alziator Commemorative Plaque

In Angioy street, at the center of Cagliari, there is a plaque in memory of the famous writer Francesco Alziator (1909-1977). Born in the county seat, he is recognized for the great merit of having studied and safeguarded Sardinian culture and traditions. He was an important philologist, writer and anthropologist. From a monarchic and aristocratic family, Alziator was initially a staunch supporter of fascism but then he embraced different political ideas following the death of his father, caused by the dramatic bombings of 1943.

He wrote numerous newspaper articles, including on "L’Unione Sarda" and his main works are:

• The Elephant on the tower. Cagliari itinerary, 1979-1982

• Through the paths of memory, 1979

• The days of the lagoon, 1977

• Towards the history of popular clothing in Sardinia, 1964

• The city of the sun, 1963

• Picaro and folklore and other essays on the history of popular traditions, 1959

• Sardinian Folklore, Cagliari, 1957.

• Historiography of the popular traditions of Sardinia, 1957

• History of Sardinian literature, 1954

Poligono GEO

Lapide Commemorativa di Francesco Alziator

Lapide Commemorativa di Francesco Alziator

Via Giovanni Maria Angioy, 54



Via Giovanni Maria Angioy, 54

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