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Fortino di Sant'Ignazio

Fort of Saint Ignazio

The ruins of the Fort of St. Elias, improperly known as the Fort of St. Ignazio , are situated in an area of St. Elias hill. The building is located on a panoramic point from which is possible to enjoy a full view of the city.

The construction of the fort is dated to the end of 1792. It was designed by the military engineer Franco Lorenzo, to cope with the French attacks from the sea.
The original design included a pentagonal fortification, provided with various towers, a tank and a moat and armed with more than fifty guns. Works were never accomplished, giving rise to the building of a bastion with a quadrilateral plan, unique in Sardinia, with only two towers, an incomplete moat, without tank and with a small number of cannons.
In 1804 the fort lost its military function and served as a shelter for sick with contagious diseases. However, during World War II its strategic position was reassessed as a lookout point against enemies.

Poligono GEO

Fortino di Sant'Ignazio

Fortino di Sant'Ignazio

Colle Sant'Elia



Colle Sant'Elia

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