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Lapide Commemorativa delle Vittime delle Foibe

Foibe Victims Commemorative Plaque

In Italy, since 2004, on 10 February (anniversary of the 1947 Paris Peace Treaty which sanctioned the passage to Yugoslavia of the former Italian provinces of the Adriatic), Remembrance Day has been celebrated, in homage to the martyrs of the sinkholes.

Between 1943 and 1945, over 10.000 women, men, old people and children were barbarously killed and thrown, often alive, into the cavities of the karst plateau, called foibas, victims of a planned ethnic cleansing that aspired to the extermination of the Italian presence in those lands, by the Slav communist troops of Titus. They were simple citizens with the only fault of being Italian. Often tortured, beaten and raped, then tied to each other with wire, then the first was pushed into the foiba, dragging all the others. Among the victims there also were 140 Sardinians, some of them Sulcis miners, transferred from Carbonia to the wells in Istria, but also some soldiers, especially financiers and carabinieri, serving in the eastern border.

Cagliari dedicated a park to them, called indeed, "Martyrs of the Foibe" Park which is located in Saint Lucifero street, and it contains the commemorative plaque.

Poligono GEO

Lapide Commemorativa delle Vittime delle Foibe

Lapide Commemorativa delle Vittime delle Foibe

Via San Lucifero - Piazza Martiri delle Foibe



Via San Lucifero - Piazza Martiri delle Foibe

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