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Fiab Cagliari Onlus

FIAB CAGLIARI is a non profit organization whose institutional goals are promoting and encouraging the use of the bycicle as a environmentally-friendly means of transport, socialization and entertainment.

Our actions, initiatives and proposals are aimed at making local authorities and the citizenship aware of the concepts of "environmental sustainability" and "sustainable mobility", proposing solutions that aim to reduce air and noise pollution, reduce the vehicle traffic, increase the well-being of the community and protect the public health.

FIAB CAGLIARI is one of the 150 member associations of the FIAB (Italian Federation of Friends of the Bicycle). The FIAB is recognized by the Ministry of the Environment as an Environmental Protection Association and by the Ministry of Infrastructures as an Association with proven experience in the field of road safety and prevention.

FIAB joins the ECF (European Cyclists’Federation) - consisting of 61 European-level associations - which promotes cycling at European and international level in transport, environmental and tourism policies.


Poligono GEO

Fiab Cagliari Onlus

Fiab Cagliari Onlus

Via Guido Baccelli, 7



Via Guido Baccelli, 7

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