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Punto panoramico di Viale Terrapieno

Embankment Avenue viewpoint

From Embankment Avenue you can admire the chain of roofs of the Villanova district, Mountain Urpinu and the Campidano on one side, the Devil's Saddle and the Basilica of Bonaria on the other.

The Embankment of Cagliari is a panoramic walk that runs along Queen Hellen street, a long tree-lined avenue overlooked by prestigious Liberty-style villas. It starts in Giovanni Marghinotti’s square, near the Bastion of Saint Remy and the Gardens Under the Walls, and ends at the entrance to the Public Gardens of the Municipal Art Gallery.

The walk, which runs along the walls of the historic district of Castello to the west and the housing complex of Villanova to the east, is one of the most suggestive panoramic points of the city, from which it is possible to admire some of the most significant works of local street art. It mixes the historical, architectural and artistic elements that the city offers with the shopping streets Garibaldi street and Manno street.

Poligono GEO

Punto panoramico di Viale Terrapieno

Punto panoramico di Viale Terrapieno

Viale Regina Elena



Viale Regina Elena

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