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Punto panoramico Sella del Diavolo

Devil's saddle viewpoint

From the Devil's Saddle, on the promontory of Saint Elia, you can catch a spectacular view that ranges from Poetto Boulevard to Capo Carbonara and to the open sea.

It can be reached through a green path, which crosses particular areas for its archaeological, environmental, ecological and landscape values.

It is possible to identify several stopping points on which it is worth pausing and from which you can admire: in the north - north west direction, the front of the quarries (Roman origin, up to the 1900s).

The open sea, the Signal Tower with the Cala Mosca Lighthouse, the canal port, the industrial area of Macchiareddu and Cagliari itself, botanical peculiarities such as the Saint Peter’s Palm, various olive trees and junipers.

One of the most interesting points is a real natural terrace on Cagliari, the Poetto, the salt pans. On the ridge it is possible to completely observe both the view to the north, that is, the long strip of land between the sea and the salt pans that characterizes one of the Cagliari landscapes par excellence, the Poetto beach; while towards the south the view can range over the entire promontory.

The first natural element easily perceivable is the natural spur of the Devil's Saddle, then the Saint Elia’s Tower, the Poetto Tower, the ruins of the military installations of the Second World War and the remains of the monastic complex of S. Elia, where they came the martyr's relics found.

A little further on you walk in the cliff abovethe Pigeons Cave. Following the ancient Roman road system, there is the Punic cistern.

In another interesting point you can dominate the entire natural canyon, rich in Mediterranean vegetation, excavated from an ancient stream that has shaped the territory.

Finally, you can admire Cala Fighera and Cala Mosca. The entire naturalistic and archaeological path is passable by anyone who is used to walking, just having a pair of trekking shoes and a supply of water.


Poligono GEO



Viale Calamosca

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