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Palazzo Cugia

Cugia Palace

Cugia Palace, also called Palazzo Nieddu is located at Via Genovesi, next to Siotto Palace. The Neoclassical facade is articulated on two floors and a ground floor.

The coat of arms of the Carroz and Centelles families visible on the large balcony of the first floor of the building shows that the Earl of Quirra (Don Gioacchino Carroz Centelles) lived in this building, after moving from the Castle of San Michele. In the early nineteenth century, the lawyer Pietro Nieddu became its owner and commissioned to the architect Gaetano Cima the renovation of the building, which also included the façade. The owners of the palace succeeded over time, up to the Cugia family.

Poligono GEO

Palazzo Cugia

Palazzo Cugia

Via Dei Genovesi, 120-124



Via Dei Genovesi, 120-124

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