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Conservatorio delle Figlie della Provvidenza

Conservatory of the Daughters of Providence

The Conservatory of the Daughters of Providence dates back to 1831. Former college for nobles, in the 19th century it became home to a charitable institution for orphans. Its wide Neoclassical facade dominates the east side of Piazza Indipendenza.

The Conservatory was originally located in a house in Via San Giuseppe (Castello district) and was supported by city charity and state aids. The institute was born on the initiative of Father Gian Battista Vassallo of the “Compagnia di Gesù” (Jesus Company), in order to accommodate poor girls, educating them in a Christian way and teaching them the necessary works to become good mothers.
In 1822 the Viceroy Count D'Agliano introduced several reforms, that aimed at improving the institution and he appointed the priest Lorenzo Frassetto da Nulvi as administrator. A weaving factory was set up and the boarders were trained in this work. The growth of the institution made it necessary to find a new area. The government gave to the Conservatory the old building of the College of Nobles, located in Piazza Indipendenza. It was rebuilt and adapted to the new requirements by the engineer E. Marchesi and it was occupied from 1831.

Sister Giuseppina Nicoli (now beatified) taught here from 1885 to 1889. The girls' school was open until the end of the 90s.

Nowadays the building is closed.

Poligono GEO



Piazza Indipendenza

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