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Chiesa di San Vincenzo de Paoli

Church of Saint Vincenzo de Paoli

The current church was built in 1950, after the restoration of a previous large chapel  that was destroyed during the bombing in the Second World War.

The new building is neo-Romanesque-Pisan  style and presents a façade in brick masonry clad in limestone. In the central part  is possible to see a cusp, with a central circular window, framed by sculptural decorations.

Above the main entrance there is a lunette mosaic, dedicated to the Saint.

The interior has a Latin cross plan , and is characterized by simple and essential design elements.  Inside, there are three naves; the central one is taller and wider than the aisles, separated by columns partition.


Poligono GEO

Chiesa di San Vincenzo de Paoli

Chiesa di San Vincenzo de Paoli

Via Bosa



Via Bosa

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