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Chiesa di San Benedetto (o del Buon Pastore)

Church of Saint Benedetto (or the Good Sheperd)

The Church of San Benedetto or the Good Shepherd is located in the San Benedetto district, an area of ​​Cagliari that experienced intense urban development in the first half of the twentieth century. The temple and the adjoining convent were erected in 1643 by the will of a nobleman of Genoese origin Don Benedetto Nater who wanted to donate them to the Capuchin friars. The friars lived here until 1885 when the convent closed following the entry into force of the law to suppress religious orders. The facade reproduces elements of the Aragonese Gothic style especially in the portal surmounted by two oculi. The interior develops with a simple barrel-vaulted nave and hosts a wooden sculpture of the dead Christ dating back to the seventeenth century.


Poligono GEO

Chiesa di San Benedetto (o del Buon Pastore)

Chiesa di San Benedetto (o del Buon Pastore)

Via Verdi, 2



Via Verdi, 2


Church of Saint Benedetto (or the Good Sheperd)



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