Villa Muscas, Center of Peasant Culture, houses a rich museum and rooms used for meetings and conferences. It was built several times in different periods with dissimilar construction techniques, on a system of manifest monastic imprint.
The structure preserves objects and machinery related to the Sardinian rural world, and takes care of its dissemination through events that involve people in a process of knowledge of the problems related to agricultural production.
The museum itinerary is developed in three levels: courtyard, cloister, rooms on the first floor. Villa Muscas played an important military role during the Second World War, as a shelter for the wounded and as a warehouse for gas masks, ammunition and uniforms, and as a guesthouse. Between 1941 and 1945 the school and its didactic and administrative infrastructure were moved to Nurri and the military genius moved to the empty spaces.
Currently an important bas-relief by Tilocca recalls the students who fell in the war. Along this side of the structure you can still see the bullet holes that survived the renovation of the facade of the splitting carried out in 1943.
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