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Busto di Patrizio Gennari

Bust of Patrizio Gennari

Patrizio Gennari, originates from the Marche region, was an important Italian scientist and patriot, a protagonist of the Risorgimento. He moved to Cagliari with his family and held prestigious academic positions: director of the school of Pharmacy, dean of the faculty of mathematics and finally rector of the city university. He strongly wanted the foundation of the Botanical Garden which inaugurated in person on November 15th 1866. His contribution was recognized by the scientific community also in the field of botany and today his activity and his commitment are remembered through a bust, placed inside of the Botanical Garden which arose thanks to him.


Poligono GEO

Busto di Patrizio Gennari

Busto di Patrizio Gennari

Via Sant'Ignazio da Laconi - Orto Botanico (piazzetta centrale)



Via Sant'Ignazio da Laconi - Orto Botanico (piazzetta centrale)

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