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Punto panoramico di Viale Buoncammino

Buoncammino Avenue viewpoint

Buoncammino is a tree-lined avenue that connects Weapons Square in the north and Christina's door in the south, a suggestive entrance to the Castello district, near the Saint Pancrazio Tower and the Museum Citadel. The urban green of pines, cypresses and elms is interspersed with several dining options and comfortable benches from which you can admire the landscape that dominates the whole city at 360 degrees, which goes east from Villanova to Poetto and from the pond of Molentargius to the mountains of the Seven Brothers, and west from Mountain Arcosu to Saint Gilla, and finally to the Roman amphitheatre. In the evening along Buoncammino avenue you can admire the extraordinary spectacle of the sunset over the Saint Gilla’s lagoon.

Poligono GEO

Punto panoramico di Viale Buoncammino

Punto panoramico di Viale Buoncammino

Viale Buoncammino



Viale Buoncammino

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