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Palazzo Brondo-Zapata

Brondo-Zapata Palace

The building is located between the De Candia Palace and the Teatro Civico. It was built in 1622 by Antonio Brondo Count of Serramanna.

In 1670 the Zapata family acquired the ownership of the building as a result of a marriage between two members of the families Zapata and Brondo. The doorway that opens on Piazza Lamarmora is dominated by a gable bearing the coat of arms of the Marquis of Villacidro, Francesco Lussorio Brondo and a marble plate dedicated to Antonio Brondo.

Poligono GEO

Palazzo Brondo-Zapata

Palazzo Brondo-Zapata

Piazza Lamarmora, 3



Piazza Lamarmora, 3

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