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Museo del Beato Nicola da Gesturi

Beato Nicola da Gesturi Museum

The museum is housed in the Convent of the Capuchin Friars Minor of Sardinia, which for thirty-four years hosted Fra Nicola from Gesturi.

The friar, who lived from 1882 to 1958 and declared blessed in 1999 by Pope John Paul II, is still alive in the hearts of the many faithful, especially from Cagliari, who remember his goodness and thaumaturgical abilities.

The exhibition is set up in a wing of the convent, next to the cloister, which was formerly the burial place of the friars. The rooms, with vaulted ceilings, preserve personal objects and photos that portray the friar in different moments of life, as well as the various stages of the beatification process.

There are the tombstone in the Bonaria cemetery and the remains of the coffin before the body was moved to the church of Saint Ignazio. Remarkable images of June 10, 1958, when an immense crowd attended the funeral.

On show the friar's worn-out clothes, cloak, glasses and all the poor personal items. There is no shortage of folders with the testimonies given by people during the beatification process.

In the museum there are also several bronze sculptures, always dedicated to the friar of Gesturi for whom the cause of canonization has been initiated.

The exhibition also includes the ex-votos and the precious treasures of Saint Ignazio from Laconi (1701-81), as well as the coffin of Fra Nicola from San Vero Milis, who died in the smell of holiness (1631-1707).

Poligono GEO



Viale Sant’Ignazio da Laconi, 94

Opening time

Temporarily closed.
lunedì - sabato
from 16:00 to 19:00
from 09:00 to 12:30
from 16:00 to 19:00
Same time on holidays

Entrance fee

Free admission


Beato Nicola da Gesturi Museum

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