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Basilica e Santuario di N.S. di Bonaria

Basilica and Sanctuary of N.S. di Bonaria

Religious complex consisting of a small Catalan Gothic church dating back to the 14th century (the Sanctuary) and the Basilica, which was built around the 18th century in the Neoclassical style.
The Sanctuary Museum safeguards archaeological finds, naval models, church ornaments and ex-votos.

The Sanctuary, headquarters of Mercedario’s order, houses the wooden statue of Madonna with Child in her arms, which according to the tradition, miraculously arrived at the cost in front of Bonaria's hill in 1370.The legend says that a ship ,probably coming from Spain, was surprised by a storm, which suddenly calmed down only when the box containing the statue, was thrown into the water.

The devotion to the miraculous statue spread throughout all Sardinia, especially among sailors, who invoked her as protector. Spanish Conquistadors, named the city of Buenos Aires as "Puerto de Nuestra Señora de los Buenos Aires", in honour of the Sardinian sanctuary. The feast of our Lady of Bonaria is celebrated on 24th April, while on 25th March is remembered in a solemn way, the prodigious arrival of the Virgin Simulacrum. On the first Sunday of July, take place the summer feast, during which the statue of the Virgin is carried in procession to the sea.


Poligono GEO



Piazza Bonaria, 2

Opening time

lunedì - venerdì
from 06:30 to 11:30
lunedì - venerdì
from 16:30 to 18:45
sabato - domenica
from 06:30 to 11:30
Holiday and day before
sabato - domenica
from 16:30 to 20:30
Holiday and day before


Basilica and Sanctuary of N.S. di Bonaria

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