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Palazzo Azara

Azara Palace

The building dating back to the second half of the nineteenth century, rises in an area which includes Piazza Santa croce, Via Corte d'Appello and Via Santa Croce.

The main façade, in Neoclassical style, overlooks the Bastion of Santa Croce and develops into four floors. The second and third floors show windows decorated with blind gables and wide cornices, and balconies with wrought iron railings; in deep contrast to the previous ones, the windows on the first and fourth floors appear austere and unadorned. A marble headstone, dating back 1630 and placed at the entrance of the first floor, recalls the existence of a fountain located at Piazza Santa Croce, later incorporated into the building. The Azara palace during the years following its construction was used both as a municipal seat and as a museum, to keep the paintings from the church of Santa Teresa and from the disappeared church of San Francesco.


Poligono GEO

Palazzo Azara

Palazzo Azara

Via Santa Croce 55



Via Santa Croce 55

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