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Palazzo Atzeni-Tedesco

Atzeni-Tedesco Palace

The building is located at Via Canelles in the historic district of Castello. Built during the Middle Ages, it has undergone several renovations until reaching its present appearance in the Art Nouveau style.

It has two floors, in addition to the ground floor, characterized by partition cornices and six paired windows on each floor. On the ground floor of the main façade we find the particular smooth rustication, typical of the buildings designed by Gaetano Cima. Each opening with a balcony is adorned with graceful terracotta tiles and with elegant spiral mullions. The windows on the first floor, overlooking via Canelles and vico Lamarmora, are adorned with decorated cornices.

The entrance hall's stairwell is particularly interesting, with two symmetrical flights of stairs, with mullion handrails, leading to a landing from which a secondary flight of stairs gives access to the apartments.

Poligono GEO

Palazzo Atzeni-Tedesco

Palazzo Atzeni-Tedesco

Via Canelles, 19



Via Canelles, 19

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