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Palazzo Asquer

Asquer Palace

The building, erected in the second half of the eighteenth century is located at Via Lamarmora, overlooking the Piazza Carlo Alberto.

Following the bombings of 1943 the building was severely damaged and, after the World War II, it was carefully restored. The building, built according to the taste of “Piedmontese Barocchetto”, is on two upper floors, a mezzanine floor and a ground floor. The windows are different according to the floor: those of the middle floor have balconies flush with the façade and are unadorned; the windows of the upper floors have protruding balconies and wrought iron railings. The main entrance is characterized by Doric pillars and it's dominated by a triangular gable in which the gentle shield of the owners (Nin of St. Thomas) is carved.

Poligono GEO

Palazzo Asquer

Palazzo Asquer

Via Lamarmora, 80



Via Lamarmora, 80

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