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Museo dell'Arciconfraternita dei Genovesi

Arciconfraternita dei Genovesi Museum

Opened in 1999 , the museum testifies the identity of the citizens of Cagliari of Genoese origin . In fact , it is located near the church dedicated to the patron saints of Genoa, George and Catherine, built at the expense of Archconfraternity , after the destruction of the historic one during the bombing in 1943. The ancient church's liturgical objects , recovered from the ruins thanks to the hands of the confraternity's members , are now preserved and exhibited in the museum. Among the most valuable pieces we find : the "Madonna of the city" , a work of seventeenth-century Genoese school ; " Christ and Mary offer the rosary to the Dominican monks " by Giovanni Bernardino Azzolin; "Deposition of Christ," by Gioacchino Asseretos ; the wooden group of processional case of the " Martyrdom of St. Catherine ," by Giuseppe Anfosso ; the silver and golden-copper monstrance of the '700 and the chasuble with the effigy of Saints George and Catherine and Genoa's coat of arms. The confraternity also preserves a rich archive containing documents from the sixteenth century , included the historic statute written in Italian vernacular.

Poligono GEO



Via Gemelli, 2

Opening time

from 17:30 to 19:30
Monday - Wednesday - Friday

Entrance fee

Free donation

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