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Teatro Alkestis

Alkestis Theatre

Research center and experimental theatre, Teatro Alkestis is a cultural space hosting cinema activities, workshops and a library.

Alkestis was inaugurated in 1972, with the aim of realizing two projects: La Cerimonia e il Teatro (The Ceremony and the Theatre) and Il Teatro e le Etnie che si incontrano (Theatre and the Ethnicity meet each other).

The former is an experimental study project, particularly focused on the Turkish Dervish Dancers and on their dancing and singing techniques.

The latter seeks to reacquaint with those aspects of human life that are generally unknown or forgotten, with all those art forms that can enrich individual and group experiences and creatively re-establish a deep continuity between our modern culture and other cultures from different ages and places, with special attention to the relationships between Sardinia and the countries of the Mediterranean basin.


Poligono GEO

Teatro Alkestis

Teatro Alkestis

via Antioco Loru, 31



via Antioco Loru, 31

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